Mascot for HATE

How the 45th President became an icon for racists, homophobes, religious extremists, and mysogonists.

Jay Duran
6 min readJan 21, 2021
Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

When you’re a star, you can do anything.Grab them by the Pussy. Anything. — Donald Trump

[Referring to white supremacists] Very fine people — Donald Trump

[Stated he will] never get the Hispanic vote, because like the blacks, they’re too stupid to vote for Trump. — Donald Trump

I am the least racist person. — Donald Trump

No, Mr. President. That is not the correct answer. The correct answer is, I am NOT RACIST!

How did Donald Trump become a mascot for racism across the world? His increased popularity amongst racial and/or religious extremists was highlighted in recent years within the United States. But, it doesn’t end there, racists in other countries have stepped in to show their support of his atrocious actions. Why is it that the President thinks the above remarks are acceptable and appropriate behavior? Because he gets away with it.

Is it possible for such a corroded vessel to refurbish itself?

I don’t think so. Most of America doesn't think so. We have become the laughing stock of the world. Why would they take us seriously after having voted for such a ridiculous president as Trump? I, of course, did NOT vote for this man. I knew that it would be a shit storm either way. But I was willing to take the risk with someone else other than this man. I have never had such a discourse with a president than I do with this one. Never have I been more worried about my freedoms and my family than with Donald Trump seated in the White house.

Social Media Debaucle

The right to free speech is a constitutional right in America. This protects not only my opinions, but the opposition as well. This doesn’t mean that I have to like what a person says and vise versa. This year alone I have deleted several acquaintances or high school friends from Facebook. Do they get the right to have a say or to defend themselves? Sure, they do. But the great thing about a private account is I don’t have to care, view it, or even acknowledge it in my world. You know that old saying, don’t meet your heroes? Well, that also applies to your friends and family that are trump supporters. You can be proud of who you support but please don’t tell me if it’s trump. You don’t have to support Biden, I don’t care about that. But, trump? Come on, man.

As a woman, a person of color, how could you support Trump? His political views and the wreckage that he brings to this country is despicable. That is not the worst of it. It is so much more than that. He impels a division in this country with his hatred, racism, bigotry, and homophobia all in the name of white supremacists and radical Christians. The president being a republican is not the issue. The president being Donald Trump is the issue.

Scrolling through social media posts, I literally vomit in my mouth when I see these machismo Hispanic men backing Trump. You realize he doesn’t want your brown ass here either, right? If you do realize that, you are a glutton for punishment, indeed. To overlook such a vile man’s behavior and sweep it under the rug is like overlooking the local pedophile. In this logic, if he doesn’t come after my child, it’s not my problem. Right?

Through misinformation, a misguided broken electoral college, support from religious extremists, racist, misogynistic and homophobic americans; Trump was elected to be the 45th President of the United States in 2016.

From the moment this man was elected president, several states began a strategy to change the way the electoral college votes count in their state. The popular vote and ethics of the electoral college have been under investigation. The foundation of the electoral college itself has come into question and scrutinized as an old broken and rigged system. I’m inclined to agree on this observation. I would add that there was suspicion that through these shaky systems, Trump was accused of hacking his way into the white house with the help of russian intelligence.

Trump did not make this country racist. He allowed the veil to be removed.

Racists from all political parties have had the support of the president to let their racist freak flag fly. Although white supremacists are the majority, people of color have joined in on the racially oppressed band wagon.

Issues like immigration, black lives matter, roe vs wade, gay marriage are hanging in the balance. We are all shaking in our boots at the calamity that is the 2020 election. There is a lot on the line.

Going back to Latinos being racist; I have an example. In 2005–2006, I spent a year in El Paso, Tx. I, a Hispanic, expected to be welcome with open arms. But alas, it was as if I walked into the 1950s twilight zone. I discovered Mexicans that are racist against blacks, Hispanics and other latin cultures. I found the same ideals with many Hispanics living in El paso as well. It felt like the population was separated into prison gangs.

With a worrisome amount of Latinos being racist against African Americans, I am made aware of the reason for the Latinos favoring trump. Add on the machismo (macho or toxic masculine men) and you have yourself a group of patrons in agreement with the president’s treatment of woman, LGBT community and African Americans. Trump flouts the Me Tarzan you Jane ideal.

Most Latinos have been raised with a similar mentality. In this fashion of upbringing, Latina women are raised to be subservient. And by that account recognize trump as just being a typical man in charge of the household. Except he is in charge of our nation.

I don’t have to point out the obvious wealthy 1% and republican support that trump receives. Trump has done a lot for republicans and the rich. Of course they are going to back him. His scare tactics about taking away guns and other such meanderings have caught the attention of the gun toting americans that believe his blasphemy. His rhetoric hides the gun laws that Trump himself has passed while saying, “look over there ” to his supporters.

It’s unfortunate that so many educated people do no research and blindly follow Trump to the ledge. You can tell these loyal followers that Trump said if you eat your own shit, you will be free of the coronavirus. They would truly believe him and be fishing in the toilet. Trump is unapologetic and arrogant. Many people mistake that for charisma and levitate to this smoke screen of a person.

January 6th, 2021

I wrote the above portion of this article prior to the November election and prior to the assault that we witnessed on January 6 of this year. Following the commands and rhetoric of Donald Trump, his lawyer and family, his followers were instructed to strike. Domestic terrorists breached our nation’s capital building, destroyed irreplaceable historic artifacts only to end this horror show in the murder of a capital officer. A second capital police officer has since perished in addition to four terrorists, bringing the death toll to six as a result of this attack.

How did we get here?

Prior to the domestic terrorists overtaking the capital building, there was insistence that “Donald Trump would win the 2020 election by a landslide.” He then went on to state that if he didn’t win, it would be fraud. In the interest of the neo-nazi,white supremacist and religious extremist terrorist groups satisfaction, Trump fought the election results when he did not win. Trump and other republican politicians went on to challenge the votes in swing states with over 60 court cases filed. This flawed strategy to overturn the election results yielded no evidence of fraud even after several recounts.

Bye, Bye, Bye

No, I am not singing the lyrics to the hit single by the band N’Sync. I am saying what all of us are thinking. And that is, good riddance to the Trump administration. Thanks to the historical feat on January 20, 2021 we welcome President Joe Biden Jr. and Vice President Kamala Harris. Vice President Harris is the first female African American and South Asian to serve this position in the United States of America history.

2021 feels like the year we broke free from an abusive relationship. A sigh of relief can be heard collectively throughout the nation. Americans can finally breath again.



Jay Duran
Jay Duran

Written by Jay Duran

An aspiring novelist with a knack for copy and passion for blogging. Visit this tech savvy, meme enthusiast's website at to learn more.

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