Your Ex cannot accept the truth that your relationship is over. Done. Finito. Ya se acabo. With the denial of acceptance, the desperate ex-partner creates an unhealthy manifesto on how to win you back or bug the heck out of you trying.
Most people are familiar with the term malware, and it’s abilities to make life challenging for those infected. If you don’t, here’s a quick rundown. Malware is a virus. Short for malicious software. Malicious by definition is:
: having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone : given to, marked by, or arising from malice malicious gossip
- Merriam-Webster
You see, malware is a tricky bastard. It will slither its way into your registry, also known as your main file system. This is basically your support system, such as your family and friends. While you were in a relationship with this malware, it isolated you from these same friends and family so that you relied solely on the Ex for support. This brings you to the present day, where the relationship has ended. The malware did not get the memo. It enjoys alienating you from civilization and wants to keep it that way.
The cease and desist order has been given, but Malware is not going down without a fight. Instead, it has breached your registry and is one by one infiltrating your files. In other words, she is making nice with your family and friends while presenting herself as a wounded animal. You certainly got the animal part right.
Next, bring on the deceit. Malware can trick your computer system into thinking that it is not volatile. Your Ex convinces your antivirus software to let down their guards. They trust and feed into her lies. Who wants to believe the boring ol’ truth anyhow? The juicy gossip is much more entertaining after all. Your registry would instead think that you were unfaithful than accept that your Ex was the ONLY one in your relationship that actually cheated. On one of the confessed occasions, it happened to be one of the most important days of your life. As painful as it is to hear, that sentiment gives you an idea of the value that your relationship held to the malware.
You see, malware is there solely for its own gain by any means necessary. So it will use whatever tactics of persuasion to win over your family. It will even infect weaker friendships. Those types of friendships are better to have been brought to light. At least you know now who is truly by your side resisting this virus.
You won’t notice right away that your system is infected. Malware subtly rears its ugly head and makes you think there is something else wrong within your network. Maybe you clicked on a site full of spyware. Perhaps you accidentally pressed the wrong button somewhere. Silly me, what have I done now? I’m so computer illiterate, you will think to yourself. But no, the truth is that malware has already embedded it’s code into your registry. So, you can’t just uninstall the programs, aka rumors and lies that are causing problems. No. That would only give the malware other areas to focus on.
Slowly you start to realize how much things have changed in your registry. Files and programs you don’t recognize are appearing. Why are you getting error messages when you attempt to access specific software? Because malware has snuck in the back door and created an infestation. Everywhere you turn, it’s there. You can’t get away as it lingers and conspires to invite itself to family functions.
Luckily there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. Don’t resort to throwing the entire computer away containing all your data. There’s a wonderful program called Malwarebytes that not only identifies the wolf in sheep clothing, but it removes it from your system. It will kick that malware out of your registry faster than you can say, “Bye Felicia.”
So rest your weary head because the truth will come out. It always does. Malware isn’t permanent. It’s just a bitch to remove.